We can probably generalize that most college scholarship essays would either make or break your application for sponsorship. In view of these, the article will provide some tips that would help you get through this stage and increase your chances in winning your most wanted free college education dissertation help.
· Use your wits
Once given a paper to fill up, all applicants who know how to read and write can finish it easily. However, this would not say that all applicants would be considered. Many will fail on this stage. This is because there are few people who know how to read and write at the same time, applying their wits and writing properly what is on their mind on the college scholarship essay.
· Brand yourself
The difference between winning a scholarship and failing the entire application process depends on how you package yourself in your college scholarship essay. Making sure that you use what your smartness, thoughts, and skills would certainly a plus towards winning the scholarship. Branding yourself with an organized essay is a great help.
· Be creative and original
When you write your scholarship essay, choose a topic that would spark the interest of the reader but still remains to sound interesting and intellectual. If in the case that you have no choice but to write an essay on a given topic, be different, creative, and original. There is no better way to get noticed than by hitting the reader right on the first verse of your essay that could be maintained throughout the whole essay.
· Editing, rewriting, proofreading, and re-editing
Making sure that your essay in not only original is not enough. Your essay should also be error-free. To do this, you must read and spot mistakes on the entire essay. Change any word, phrase or sentence that does not sound good or has errors in grammar and spelling. Making sure that your essay has no single error is a great appeal to your sponsor.
· Write it yourself
There are online sites that offer to write you original scholarship essay for certain amount, usually $10 and up. While this is an easy way to assure that you accomplish the essay writing stage, you must remember that the sponsors would like to read something from you and not from anybody else. If writing in not your skill, you may consult them but be sure you can carry on with the writing style online dissertation help at least on the application process.
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The most common writing requirement in upper-division courses
is the term paper. The importance of the term paper tends to be
neglected. Why is a term paper so important? The main reason is
that it will make up a big part of your final grade. You might
be deceived as to its importance because most teachers will not
give much class discussion time to these papers. When your
instructor does not give you detailed instructions for writing
your term paper, it is up to you to become informed on your
The first step to writing the perfect term paper is analyzing
the materials you already have. This means that you need to
take a good look at all of the information you have on your
subject, including your text-book materials, lecture notes, and
course hand-outs . Your instructor will usually point out
exactly what is expected of you. Students tend to neglect this
and, as a consequence, their end product does not fulfill the
task assigned. It is very important to discuss anything that
you do not understand with your teacher as soon as possible.
Sometimes students do not do this because they are afraid of
appearing stupid in the eyes of the instructor or their fellow
students. This is a huge mistake! Not only will a good teacher
answer all of your questions but will also notice that you are
genuinely interested in writing a quality term paper.
After you have analyzed your materials, you must decide on a
thesis. Most often, a dissertation help is a question that you seek to
answer in your paper, but this is not a hard rule. If your
teacher does not tell you that your thesis must be a question,
you may feel free to experiment. Why not make it interesting
for yourself? Try searching for a topic that interests you -
this will not only make your term paper easier to write, it
will also make it more fun to write. Make sure your subject and
thesis fulfill the necessary requirements and then analyze how
long your paper will turn out. A term paper usually has page
limits. With this in mind, be careful not to choose a subject
that is likely to turn out too long or too short. For instance,
you can not write a 10 page term paper about the evolution of
music from Classical to Modern - the subject is much too broad
to cover in such a short space. If you are in this position,
you need to narrow your topic. Also, make sure that your chosen
topic will have enough bibliography available and be sure that
you understand your subject completely before starting your
The next step that you need to complete is research. In most
cases there is a specific bibliography assigned for your paper,
but often it is a general list of suggested reading, rather
than a precise list of references. In this case you, the
student, fist need to compile a list of appropriate sources.
Many students fail with the actual writing because of improper
researching during this phase. In some cases, this is because
they attempted to conduct their research solely on the Internet
at the expense of using the library. While it is true that the
World Wide Web is a trove of information on most subjects, when
writing a term paper, you also need to look for research
materials in the library. You will surely find someone to point
you in the right direction and aid you during your research in
the library. Gather anything you might want to use from
magazine articles to books written by specialists on your
chosen subject. While reading and gathering your materials, be
sure that you take notes. Including quotations is necessary,
but be careful to not put too many in one term paper. Many
students tend to include long quotes in order to finish more
quickly and fill up the space. In fact, this is not at all
productive and does not look good to your instructor. You
should include only quotes that are necessary and relevant to
your subject and, in your final paper, include only the
necessary parts of the quote, the parts that are useful and
directly link to your topic.
After gathering your notes, you need to outline your term
paper. Once again, analysis is very important. Look at the
research materials that you found and the notes that you took.
Create the main outline of your term paper by analyzing what
you want to discuss and keeping on your subject. Follow the
outline you have created and start writing the draft version of
your term paper. Unless your instructor has told you otherwise,
you should use the simple essay format of:
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
Use the Introduction to outline what you are going to
say, the Body to say it, and the Conclusion
to summarize your paper's points and the answer
to your online dissertation help question.
After the first draft is finished, you need to polish it before
it is a final paper. Proofreading is a must and should be done
aloud so that you can also hear the sense of your composition.
This makes it easier for you to change what does not sound
good. Analyze the grammar and spelling so that any mistakes
are avoided or corrected. Look at the quotes you have included
and check to see if they are used properly or not. The actual
polishing should be done at least two days after the first
draft was finished. This will help you stay objective about it.
If you know that you are biased, give your term paper to
someone else to read and be sure to ask for comments and
criticisms. Following these simple steps will help you to
create the perfect term paper, but it is up to you to follow
through. Take your assignment seriously and do not treat
it lightly. If you are mature and diligent, your term paper is
bound to be perfect.
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Where Can You Find the Best College Entrance Essay?
0 comments Posted by Online Dissertation at 11:32 PMThe best college entrance essay is inside your head. College admissions officers are tired of those generic essays. They want the honest essays that paint the real picture.
Getting the idea
When writing that narrative, keep these in mind: college admissions officers try to gauge your readiness for college. They want to find out if you can answer the questions for college level work. Second, they want to know who you are and what can you contribute to the college in terms of academic performance and personal online dissertation help qualities.
All these can be attributes are revealed in your essay. Another thing they would like to measure is your ability to write concisely, logically, and clearly in an essay form the questions asked.
If you were a college admissions officer, what would catch your attention when you read hundreds of essay? In this contest, you would look for originality. Originality is not merely about how you play with words. It is the content of your narrative - how you feel about the events or persons that influenced your life. It is in the explaining that gets them.
But what if you have a good idea but your words are plain and dull? Students have the mistaken notion that to get the attention of the reader they should use big words that do not ring true. Simple words with impact can make the grade. It is the thought that counts.
Writing about emotions without the drama
Surprisingly, this kind of thesis is more into feelings. Your words should be able to capture these. Write about the positive changes in your life brought about by your experience. Capture the how and the why in the telling, not only the what, who, and when. Leave no room for unanswered questions.
Positive pieces are have proven to be the best of the lot. If you have to write about a traumatic event in your life because it has made you the person you are then do it. Just don't overdo because it loses its appeal.
Writing tips
Instead of gunning for those big long-running issues like abortion, divorce, and child abuse - stick to things you have a passion for.
Write your thoughts in clear and concise language. Drop the waffle. The reader will skim through the lines looking for the core idea.
Avoid using too many quotations, you won't impress your reader. Remember they are going through hundreds of essays. Yours may be a clone.
Write interesting hooks when stitching together the paragraphs to make one cohesive whole. You cannot afford to confuse the reader. And make your conclusion a culmination of your discussion - not a summary.
Your college entrance essay is your sales pitch. Readers won't believe you if you sound like Mr. or Ms. Perfect - they want to know about the real person who has fears, hopes, ambition, and potential. To dissertation help you along, read those papers on the internet and take a cue from there.
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How to Structure a College Essay for Busy Readers
1 comments Posted by Online Dissertation at 2:19 AMIf you're concerned about getting started on your college essay and dissertation help, you can relax - if you've followed the preliminary planning process laid out in previous articles. This plan for your college essay helps establish the logic of your paper and helps you write in a clear, concise and orderly manner. You'll want to follow this process on all the papers you write, not just for college essays.
Let's talk about structuring your college essay for busy readers. When you consider the importance of making a good first impression combined with the tired eyes of the college administrators who must read all the applications that come pouring in you get an idea of why you need to grab the attention of the reader and get your points across quickly and clearly.
With the right structure, your college essay will lead its readers from point to point and at the same time you make it easy for the reader to follow you from point to point as you develop your main theme. Without any structure, the reader can easily become confused by the wandering nature of the essay and may even stop reading it completely due to lack of interest. This cannot be good for you chances of being admitted to the college or university of your choice.
Let's do a little demonstration from the college administrator's perspective as he or she reads and essay. Essays that are poorly written and constructed take an inordinate amount of time and energy to read. The word used by the college administrator may be something more along the lines of decipher as he or she will have to decode your rambling writing and figure out what you're trying to say. An irritated and annoyed college admissions officer is not likely to rate your college essay highly and that doesn't bode well for the rest of your application either.
College admissions officers are human too. They're job is to be neutral but considering the volume of college applications and essay they have to process, it's likely that a poorly written college essay will shift them from neutral to negative and worse than that you'll lose their goodwill and they're likely to carry over that negativity when rating your college application as a whole.
For students who prefer to write an essay about a single experience here is a good diagram to follow. Start with an introductory statement followed by a online dissertation help statement. Next comes a preview statement and a topic sentence. Now you'll develop the topic and transition to the next topic sentence. Repeat this process until you've covered all the topics you have to discuss in the college essay. Finally, end with a concluding statement that ties the whole essay together. That's the type of well-written cohesive essay that impresses college admissions officers.
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Do You Want to Take Your Creative Writing to the Next Level?
0 comments Posted by Online Dissertation at 12:36 PMIs there any better feeling in the world than the look on someones face when they have just read your latest piece of creative writing? For many, it is the fuel that keeps us going. It is like throwing dried apple wood on the creative fire that burns within a writers spirit. The flames grow and expand, and we get catch a whiff of that fragrance and ca not wait to start the whole creative writing process all over again.
The smiles, the praise, the words of encouragement these are some of the best aspects of the craft of writing. Not all writers crave these things, but the mere fact that there are so many books in print shows that there are a lot of people who want their creative writing to reach out and touch others. Whether you invent entire worlds as a novel writer, or you like to throw in a bit of imagery when you do jobs writing travel articles, the flair you add helps tell a unique story in a way that no one else can.
Of course, getting your creative writing into the hands of an eager audience is sometimes easier to imagine than to accomplish. Agonizing over every adjective and punctuation mark is only part of the process of becoming a published writer. Some writers choose to pursue traditional methods for publication, while others take a different path and decide to self publish their work. Both options give you the chance to share your creative writing, although the methods and outcomes can be very different for each.
Choosing your method for publication is an individual decision and should be based on your needs and desires. If you are a childrens book writer whose main goal is to have a professional looking hardback book for under the grandchildrens Christmas tree, then perhaps self publishing is the way to go. If, on the other hand, you dream of being a professional writer who tours the bookstore chains to do personal appearances, then you may need the backing of a large scale publishing company.
There are many tools available that can help get your creative writing published, and it is usually the writers responsibility to learn about and utilize these writing resources. Check out Writers Market or publishers websites for writer guidelines that can help you determine how and where to submit your work. While it is still a lot of effort, many writers choose to hire a literary agent to help with the submission process. This allows you more time for writing fiction and less time for reading writer guidelines and tweaking proposals.
Dissertation help creative writing skills are very important, whether your focus is writing fiction or simply making your nonfiction writing more engaging. Using words and ideas that make the story unforgettable is what causes great writers to shine. For many of us, the satisfaction comes from seeing this glow reflected in the faces and imaginations of the reader. While desiring the title of professional writer sometimes gets in the way, it is nice to occasionally remember the simple joy that comes when our creative writing is able to transport a reader to a place they have never been.
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Writing a law school essay can really help you get into the school of your choice. Even in your LSAT scores were low it can really launch you into school.
Your LSAT scores, undergrad GPA, and your law school essay can be a huge factor in what schools will be looking for when offering you a position in the school. It could also be a factor when it comes to how much scholarship money you will receive if any.
The first paragraph of your dissertation help law school essay is the most important. It could make all the difference in getting you into a good school. If you are a top candidate and write a bad essay it could ruin your chances. Try not to be flippant when writing.
Some schools will give a required topic to write on and some will offer a few suggestions. Be cautious not to repeat yourself throughout your essay or on your application.
Remember that your application will cover all the basics that the school will need to know, like your GPA and other scores. Your essay is your chance to tell them something they don’t know about you. Try to find something that best describes you as a person and a student.
Try a fresh topic. Most people are going to write about who inspires them or what difficulties they have over come. Try to find something that they haven’t read already.
Be unique and real. By doing so you will stand out in the staff’s mind and this will get you a better chance at an interview.
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SAT Essay - 8 Ways To Write A Great Introduction
0 comments Posted by Online Dissertation at 3:15 AMYou can't afford to have writer's block since you only have 25 minutes to write your SAT Essay. So to help my students put pen to paper faster I created these 8 techniques for creating a compelling introduction quickly. Try them and they'll help you too.
1. Understand the prompt first
The number one thing you must do to write a great introduction is to make sure you know what you are writing about first. The biggest mistake I've seen in scoring SAT Essays is that many students misread the prompt. To avoid this I have my students underline or circle important words and phrases to make sure they have truly digested the prompt. I suggest you do the same.
2. Use an analogy or metaphor
Analogies require creativity. A trait that SAT Essay graders love to reward. For an essay in which the prompt was "Is it true that to make progress people must make sacrifices?" A student created the following analogy,
"To climb a mountain a person must struggle and strain. And this is the case with any worthwhile goal..."
3. Tell a brief anecdote
You can create an engaging introduction by telling a brief (1-2 sentence anecdote) such as the following.
When I trained for my first marathon it was difficult and often painful. But I wanted to have the accomplishment of running 26.2 miles so I did it anyway. To make progress in life requires sacrifice.
4. Use a quote that was not used in the prompt
It is useful to memorize quotes that you love. You never know when they can come in handy on the test. For example for the essay topic "Do mistakes lead to growth?" one of my students wrote
Someone once asked Edison, "how can you feel good about your work, having failed nine-hundred and ninety-nine times to make a light bulb?" To this Edison replied, "I have not failed so many times, I have merely learned nine-hundred and ninety-nine ways not to make a light bulb. Why did Edison react this way? Because he knew that mistakes are always experiences that lead to learning and growth."
This was a great quote to begin his essay with and would definitely impress SAT Essay graders.
5. Mention a topic in the news
SAT Essay Experts will often say to stay away from news in the body of your essay. And they are right. However, in the introduction it can be very useful IF you have the facts straight AND it's even better if it is a news story that isn't well covered. If you use this idea make sure it clearly fits the topic.
6. Make up an anecdote using very specific details
I don't recommend this as you don't need a creative introduction badly enough to take the trouble to make one up. I had a student insist on trying this and his were so bad at first anyone could guess they were fictional. Finally, however he started to put details that were so specific that I couldn't tell if it was real or not. So you can fool graders if you want to but I don't recommend it.
7. Use a cliche in an inventive way
Most books and articles on writing say to stay away from cliches however, it's a secret of professional writers that if you change a cliche it captures people's attention.
One student used the following cliche to make a great introduction for the topic "Which is a better indicator of a person's true character, their actions or their words?"
"A picture tells a thousand words" is a saying that applies to the newspaper industry but which also applies to people. The picture created by a person's actions tells us a thousand words about him or her and goes much farther than words do in telling us about a person's true thoughts and feelings. Several examples from literature and history demonstrate this point.
Using the cliche "A picture tells a thousand words" to make the point that actions speak louder than words is very unique and very powerful.
8. When all else fails just do a quick summary of what you will cover in your essay
Make sure you clearly state your thesis and state which categories of information your examples are from
For example, "Examples from history, literature and science will prove that people care far too much about what others think of them."
Most of all remember, you do not need to write an impressive introduction so badly that you sacrifice the rest of your essay. In fact I taught my students to write great body paragraphs first as these are just as important. Then when they could write them quickly I taught them how to write great introductions and powerful conclusions.
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These are all dependent on the abilities and writing styles of the authors. With vast resources available and new issues emerging everyday, the best article is able to catch on and bridge the gap between the old and the new. This will always hinge on the way the new thought from an old idea was presented.
When writing, arm yourself with the tools of a writer - they have their weapons too. Use the thesaurus, the dictionary, and look up the latest idioms and expressions. With this arsenal, you can come up with your own unique exposition. Also, keep on reading the latest editorials and treatises. Reading and writing will set you well in the writing sphere.
Parts of the narrative discourse
In sum, the best output has solid and original content, thought provoking ideas, and verifiable resources. In form it could be contained in one to five pages, or may have two or three paragraphs to contain the three major parts:
" Introduction - The introduction places the whole writing in its context, and its purpose. It is like a map or a road sign informing the reader where the article will take him.
" Body - This will contain the argument on specific points of the subject matter. This is like the filling between two pieces of sliced bread. This part will make or break you.
" Conclusion - the end of the discussion tells the reader why you have believed in your argument. This is always bolstered with the findings from your research. This part of the thesis provides recommendations for future studies and the perfect closing.
The long and short of it
Students are fazed by the one or two paragraph requirement. In this case, you have to fit in everything after pruning the excess information. Whether long or short, the major parts should always be included. But the most logical composition would have enough elbow room for the entire exercise.
Here are some tips in squeezing all those ideas in a one or two paragraph narrative:
" A one paragraph article can have as much words you can put it unless prescribed by your professor. It does not mean that this paragraph should really be that short you cannot even expound on the central idea. So prune the verbiage until you get a strong and well-placed discussion.
" A two-paragraph narrative is trickier. But the experts can handle this without difficulty. You also have to arrange your discussion to make it flow naturally into its conclusion without losing track of the major components.
The well written essay should not keep the reader frustrated with unanswered questions. It should be complete and leave nothing unsaid. It does not however mean that you should use up reams of paper to expound on the relevance of Shakespeare in today's society. That is why you had to pick an aspect of the topic at the beginning and dwell on it.
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As college admissions become more and more difficult and applicants become more and more qualified, the college essay gains clout as a vital part of the application process. An outstanding personal essay, no matter how long, is sometimes the deciding factor for a prospective student. But it’s not enough to show proficiency with the written word -- at least not anymore. Today’s personal essays revolve around the sense of personality and style gleaned from each sentence, and it’s your responsibility to harness those elements. The following tips will get you on your way to the acceptance pile.
The most important part of a college essay is the actual topic, so you need plenty of time to mull over the choices. You’ll want something interesting, but not cliché, significant but not trite. Consider the following questions during your brainstorming process:
1. What distinguishes you from others in your age group? Any special skills, talents, interests or attributes?
2. Have you engaged yourself in a fierce struggle for something? Did you succeed or fail? What have you learned?
3. What are your most concrete goals for the future? Where do want to be in 20 years and how will you get there?
4. What or who has been influential in your life? How or why?
Though it’s tempting to ramble through your whole life story in a college essay, be careful to keep your topic narrowed. Write one sentence (a thesis, in a sentence) that sums up the point of your entire essay, and make each paragraph support that one sentence. Try not to get too lofty with your concept; find the point and stick to it.
The opening paragraph is your first (and sometimes only) chance to grab firmly the attention of admission officials, so don’t create a lazy intro that simply sums up what you’ll discuss. Be vivid, clear and original; try piquing their interest with an anecdote or poignant question. Give your intro an element of mystery and intrigue -- really make the reader want to read more. This could be the most important paragraph in the dissertation help essay, so devote plenty of time to crafting this well.
Sure, admissions officials aren’t your best friends and you shouldn’t write as if they are. But if you get mired in formality, paralyzed by grammar, you might exclude the most crucial element of your essay -- you. Colleges want to know who you are and what traits make you shine, so don’t be afraid to let the real you shine through. But never paint yourself into an image that isn’t really you; if you have to alter your personality drastically to gain acceptance to a school, chances are good that it’s not the right school for you.
Showing off your massive vocabulary may seem like an instant ticket to acceptance. But if you’re using a thesaurus for every word or phrase, you’re probably draining the essay of both personality and readability. Use only words you’d actually use in conversation (or, at least, words of which you know the meaning) and be sparing; big words are fine, of course, but they need to make sense in context. Wordiness for the sake of wordiness doesn’t make you seem smarter; it just seems moderately uncreative.
Since the college essay is usually short to begin with, concluding with a summary paragraph is fairly redundant. Instead, use this paragraph to create a stunning last impression. How does your topic fit into a larger issue? What have you learned from the experience about which you’ve written? Are there any poignant quotes that illuminate your ideas? You don’t need to create a tidy, television-style wrap-up, but you do need to end strongly; this is your last chance to make a vivid impression.
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Sometimes book essays are required to address a specific question or view point and provide sufficient evidence to support opinions on the topic in focus. Although such essays may follow a general structure but their focus must be on the issue in question. That said the specific purpose of book essays is to give readers a better understanding of the book and proffer a recommendation. The following steps will help the writer achieve this purpose.
1. Determine the purpose of the essay. It could be to convey a point of view or answer a question. Sometimes your mentor will give you the purpose of the essay. If you have to develop your own objective you may have to do this as you read and understand the book better.
2. Read the book and make notes as you go along. There will be parts of the book you may want to focus on in the essay. Keep an eye open for this. Also make note of portions of the book you may want to use in the essay as evidence of what you state.
3. Make special note of the main plot of the book as it unfolds. Jot down the conflicts in the book.
4. By the time you finish reading the book you would have probably noted down a few probable themes or approaches to the purpose of your essay. From these notes try to analyze which line of reasoning you can take and if you have sufficient evidence to back your reasoning. You may have to weigh a few alternatives before you can zero in on one.
5. By now you know what you will be saying in the introduction of your dissertation help essay. Now focus on what you will be saying in three or four paragraphs that will form the body of your paper. In addition to what you will be saying here, decide what you can offer by way of supporting your views.
6. Now critically review what you have noted down as the material for the body paragraphs. Assess the flow between the sentences in each paragraph and then review the flow between the paragraphs paying special attention to the coherence between the paragraphs. If required redraft as many times as required.
7. Now go back to the notes you have made relating to the introduction. With this material will you be able to achieve what is required in the introductory paragraph? If not revise what you will be saying there. Make sure that out of this exercise a clear thesis statement evolves.
If at first you are not able to evolve a clear objective initially do not be perturbed; it will develop eventually. Focus on the emotions in the book. Not only do readers relate more readily to emotions, that is probably where the plot lies. In the conclusion summarize your essay. Repeat the essence of your thesis. Close the essay with your verdict. State categorically if the book has achieved what it set out to achieve or not.
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2007 Case Study; From Academia Thesis to Business Plan; Can You Cut the Mustard?
0 comments Posted by Online Dissertation at 1:40 PMMany folks in modern liberal academia enjoy the sport of dumping on capitalism and condemning the business world. Perhaps they forget that it took a contractor, businessman to build the University in the first place. What is most interesting is that many in the “publish or perish” world of academia truly aspire to be business people.
Can these Professors go from Academia Thesis and White Paper writing and get down and dirty writing a Business Plan? Can they cut the mustard? Well, unfortunately professors generally make really horrible businessmen and they cannot compete well in the real world. Yet their authoritative views of capitalism still never change. Thus the favorite quote about business people to academia is; Those who can’t teach.
Being a businessman myself I truly believe that, in fact every time I try to put away the stereotype, it pops back up again. Academics other than the Business Professors cannot even write a business plan. Sure they have all sorts of nifty business ideas and concepts they are sure will make them a multi-millionaire over night. But without a good solid, perhaps even peer reviewed business plan; they are merely blowing smoke.
It is like they need a Master Thesis to get a degree, but in the business world there are no guarantees even if you have a brilliant Master Thesis (Bus Plan). You may find no one interested or it might take you a long time. But nothing good in life is easy and to get to Step 1, you need a business plan.
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The Standard Five-Paragraph Essay
When writing your causal relation composition, you need not deviate from the usual five-paragraph format. As with any other paper, you can start with an introduction that presents a short background and the thesis statement.
Then you follow up with the main body that you can divide into three parts (the first body paragraph, the second body paragraph and the third body paragraph). Then end your essay with a conclusion that summarizes the main points tackled.
As already mentioned above, this part should reflect the thesis statement you are working on as well as a backgrounder that gives the reader an overview of what the topic is all about. An effective introduction lays out all the issues in a short but sweeping paragraph. Even at this early part, the reader should already have a good idea of what the thesis is aimed at.
The Cause (first body paragraph)
When writing your composition, you must differentiate the factors that make up the causes from those that constitute the effects. You then tackle on the former in the first paragraph. You can start your discussion by identifying the factors you have identified as constituents of 'the cause/s'. You then give a graphic description of the specific situations or conditions. For a more in-depth treatment of the subject matter, you can illustrate how these conditions affect other related situations.
The Effect (second body paragraph)
This is where you lay out the effects of the given causal conditions. You begin by clearly establishing or defining the effects. You then give a thorough explanation of why such effects have arisen. Again, a graphical description of specific events is required.
The Cause and Effect Relationship (third body paragraph)
The third body paragraph is where you lay down the implications of the causal relations you have defined. You can talk about the significance of your analysis and how it might affect certain situations or people.
It would be further effective to present some recommended mode of actions in response to the analysis you have laid out.
Your conclusion must not only be a summary of the main points in your composition. It must be your important instrument in leaving a mark among readers.
This mark should affect or even change the prevailing perception of the reader on the issue under study and leave an appeal for specific courses of action as a response to the results of the analysis.
The strategy allows you to fit the whole process into the traditional five-paragraph format. Many people claim that this traditional format is already obsolete and should no longer be used.
This is not always the case. What is important is that you adjust to the specific requirements of the type of essay you are making. Here, you have successfully created congruence between the special features of a cause and effect essay with that of the traditional five-paragraph composition.
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This is because descriptive essays are lucid explanations and descriptions. They use sensory details to appeal to readers. They are usually the personal experience of an individual and a means of expressing the individual's attitude and temperament. Consequently essays in this genre are normally subjective. However they could also be objective. Descriptive essays can be about a person, a place, an experience, an object and so on.
The first thing to do before you actually get down to writing a descriptive paper is to try and figure out your reason for the essay. Once you do this you can fashion your paper in such a way as to optimize the effectiveness of your paper. In other words what is the dominant impression that you wish to create in your essay. From the dominant impression will evolve your thesis statement.
The body of your dissertation help essay should focus on the particular qualities of the object you wish to focus on. In order to accentuate these qualities in a manner that will appeal to your readers you should describe the sights, sounds, smells and everything else that involve the senses and appeal to the readers' emotions.
Let us suppose that you have decided to write a descriptive essay about your grandmother. And suppose you want to describe her frail appearance and the way in which she relates with all her grandchildren. The way you should go about it is by not focusing on generic aspects of frailty and relationships. In a descriptive treatise you will picture for the reader as graphically as possible the way the old woman ambles. You should make it possible for the readers to picture a wiry old woman spending time with all her grandchildren. Your readers should be able to visualize the grey haired lady making an effort to shower her grandchildren with love.
"Show, don't tell". That should be your guiding tenet while writing a descriptive paper. So if you are writing about your grandmother, describe the texture of her wrinkled skin, the shimmer of her silver hair, her feeble voice, her stooping figure. Use sounds, smells and textures and so on that are easy to picture and go directly to the heart. That way your writing appeals to the emotions of your readers and has them deeply involved.
Description essays follow the same general structure as do other essays. So when writing a descriptive essay, try to stick to this structure. In the introduction tell the reader what the focus of your essay is going to be and what aspects of the object you will be focusing on. In the body of the paper describe places, people and events in vivid manner. Delve into the subject in as much detail as possible. Describe the whole thing as you have seen it. Use words that appeal to the senses. And in the conclusion restate the essence of your thesis and summarize your thoughts. Writing a descriptive essay is not always easy. Hence you may be required to draft and redraft till it shapes out the way you want it to.
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If you are planning to find thesis writing materials, you need to know exactly what your topic is and how you will convey your information. You want to have a broad range for your topic to cover everything, but not to board to lose the scope of the issue that you will be stressing. If your paper requires any special equipment to demonstrate or experiment, you need to have available equipment or somewhere to go to use the equipment. Make sure you can summarize your paper in one paragraph. If not, the subject material may be too broad. You will need to narrow in on a specific thing pertaining to your topic.
Thesis writing does not happen over night. You know you are going to be required to write a thesis and should start months ahead of time doing research and reading. When you have some spare time, do some research for your thesis. It takes a great deal of time to research and find all the materials you are going to use in your paper. If you do not start early enough, you may find you have a below average paper that you cannot effectively defend. Research is the backbone of a thesis.
Once again, as you are researching your thesis topic, write paragraphs summarizing what you are reading. This will help you when you begin your thesis writing. Never depend on your mind to remember everything you read. You will also need to site sources used to gather your information. The more information you collect the more you will have to write your paper. Always keep notes, sources and any experiments you have together for easy review. Organization is another important part of writing a thesis. Everything should be in order so you do not have to jump around when you begin writing.
Before you begin researching and actually writing your thesis, you can break it down into sections to make it more manageable to handle. Thesis writing is not like writing an e-book or an essay, it is much larger and time consuming. Always work with your online dissertation help advisor when writing your thesis so the paper is exactly what you want to convey to the reader. Strong points are needed to oppose opposition to your thesis. Defend is a word you will hear many times when writing a thesis and you need to be able to do this easily.
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Native English speakers as well as those speaking and writing English as a second language confront the same challenge. How to write the perfect paper and get an A for all their efforts?
A school piece that demands a descriptive narrative of an assigned topic will require thorough preparation from the beginning towards the end of the writing process; but contrary to popular belief, writing a narrative discourse should not be complicated.
The basics of writing a good narrative are simple. These are the same guidelines for writing graduate school dissertations and college theses. The assignment given to you by your professor is therefore a preparation of that eventuality.
Basic Rules
In completing your writing efforts there are simple rules to follow - whether you are formulating an analytical piece or supporting or opposing a viewpoint, or retelling a personal experience you have to be comfortable with your topic. Here are some tips when putting your ideas into words.
"Select your topic - Choose a topic you are passionate about. This will give your writing direction.
"What do you want to say - If you have a topic in mind, enumerate the ideas you would like to explore, but be sure you have back up support from available references.
"Why do you want to say it? - It is not enough to put your ideas into words. You must have a purpose. Perhaps you want to galvanize people to action or agree with your point of view.
"How will you say it? - This will guide you in your style of writing.
"Simplify - Start with a simple thought, and stick to it. As you go along, you will find some great ideas to fit into your paper.
"Make an outline - an outline should be your writing map. You should plot the beginning, middle and end of your discourse. With an outline, you can present your ideas clearly and in orderly fashion.
"Review your first draft - be objective and don't settle for a half-hearted effort.
"Show your second draft to your adviser - His or her input will be valuable.
"Be ready for rewrites - Relax and unwind. Get away from your assignment for awhile. You can return to it later with a fresh eye and perspective.
"Let others comment on your narrative and take note of these - You will get more ideas to wrap up you piece.
"Rewrite your paper and have it edited - get a good online dissertation help editor who has the time to go over it.
The Right Write
The length of the finished product varies. It may take one to five pages, double-spaced, with 300 words per page. The usual font used is the Times New Roman, but this will also depend on the terms of your professor.
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